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BJSS is now part of CGI.
BJSS is now part of CGI.

On-demand webinar

AI and workforce transformation: Mastering skills for sustainable success

Equip your teams with the right skills to maximise AI, while future-proofing your organisation for sustainable growth.

AI in Workplace webinar

Successfully deploying an AI model that meets your needs is a significant milestone, but it’s only the beginning of a broader journey toward sustainable transformation.

This session delves into the essential steps of deploying an AI system, focusing on how to drive meaningful change.

We explore:

  • The organisational and cultural shifts needed to maximise productivity
  • How to manage the impact of AI (on jobs, employee well-being, and the broader society)
  • Generating maximum value with ethical AI practices

Hear how fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability can empower your teams to thrive alongside AI.

AI and Workforce Transformation: Mastering Skills for Sustainable Success

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