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Design Journal

How content designers can work effectively as part of a team

When developing a service as a content designer, you’ll need to work with other...

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What’s your excuse for not putting alt text on images?

They say an image conveys a thousand words. But what if you can’t see that...

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The key to pleasing guests: user-centred design in the hotel industry

If you want to stir up people’s emotions ask them to tell you about their worst...

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Content strategy and content design: are they really the same thing?

‘Content strategy’ is a buzzphrase you hear a lot, particularly in marketing...

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Research led, not research supported: our role in user-centred design

Why exactly do we need user research to inform design? Doesn’t common sense...

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How to build your in-house design capability

How's this for a provocation: there's no such thing as a technology project....

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Five reasons your design and research team needs to huddle

The design huddle is a team practice, or ritual, that can help people work...

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Representation and community: seven takeaways from UX Scotland 2023

I attended the UX Scotland event at Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, in June 2023, and...

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What it’s like to be a design professional with an anxiety disorder

I have anxiety disorder and though it’s been difficult at times I’ve come to...

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From thinking to knowing: user research in healthcare

User research is always important but especially so in healthcare where good...

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