Case Studies | BJSS

Reservoir Simulation For Global Oil & Gas Company | BJSS

Written by Admin | Apr 29, 2024 8:30:03 AM

BJSS helped a global oil and gas company to visualise a range of complex data related to reservoir simulation. The client was already exploring an activity to decide whether it should drill new wells in an existing field. As part of this activity, a reservoir engineer had been tasked with producing a report on the future yield of potential wells but was under immense time pressure.

Reservoir engineering and analysis usually involves several simulations based on variations in geology. A crucial part of these simulations involves looking at how different layers in a well will produce oil, gas, and water. This analysis can take weeks in itself, followed by weeks of data cleaning and plot creation. The reservoir engineer had ten days to present the report, which had to consider existing wells and any future simulated wells.

BJSS was already engaged with the client, leading and implementing an API to read, clean, and analyse data coming out of the reservoir simulator. BJSS was also building another API to generate visualisations specifically for oil and gas data.

BJSS built on this work to rapidly implement functionality to read the perforation files, creating a dashboard to show the percentage production from each layer in a well and showing changes over time (typically 20 to 50 years).

BJSS developed the visualisation closely with the user and delivered the final MVP within a week - just enough time to get the report delivered. The improved visualisations and data handling instantly saved the client weeks of work for each well it analysed. With additional tooling, BJSS’ work has enabled reservoir engineers across the client’s organisation to move from simulation to intelligence far faster and more efficiently than ever before. BJSS’ work has also initiated advanced reservoir engineering analysis to non-developers, where previously it took a highly technical reservoir engineer weeks of work. It now takes anyone just a few seconds to get the same visualisations, regardless of their technical competence.