Articles | BJSS

Spotlight: Priya Thorpe

Written by Admin | Apr 29, 2024 8:18:34 AM

Before joining the Academy in September 2022, I studied orthodontics for two years at Manchester University and, shortly after, secured my first full-time role in a practice. However, the subsequent impact of the Covid-19 pandemic forced me to reconsider my options.

Having always enjoyed recreational software development, I explored the possibility of a career in the field. Despite finding the prospect of transitioning to full-time professional software development daunting, I contacted a company called NorthCoders and was offered a role subject to the completion of a training programme. I immediately fell in love with the work. Every day I was learning something new, having my skills tested, and enjoyed the thrill of finding solutions to complex problems.

My favourite part of the Academy experience was its chaotic but fun nature. Each day there were new challenges with intense approaches around learning how to code and using different languages.

The Academy

While studying with NorthCoders, BJSS came into the office to give a presentation that I found so fascinating it prompted me to research the company. The type of work BJSS engaged in and its positive business culture instantly appealed to me - especially how it embraced re-trainers and its lack of insistence that candidates hold a computer science degree. I was also drawn to how BJSS operates partly as a consultancy, meaning I wouldn’t be tied down to one project. Instead, I'd be free to work on different projects across the business.

My favourite part of the Academy experience was its chaotic but fun nature. Each day there were new challenges with intense approaches around learning how to code and using different languages.

I’d initially expected the Academy to be very much a classroom-type environment, with teaching and learning methods more akin to my school days. On the contrary, it was far more practical and interactive and learning was broken down into multiple engaging activities. It was also great to partake in character-building endeavours, like practising speaking in front of people. As a whole experience, it made a powerful impression on me.

At all times, everyone within the Academy made me feel supported, and I always felt as though I could approach fellow academy peers and tutors for advice. It was equally reassuring to have the opportunity to socialise with new people who had found themselves in a similar career position.


I would advise anyone exploring a career in tech to consider the BJSS Academy. It equips you with the skills you’ll use in the field, and the intensity prepares you for all eventualities. In fact, it was a relief to join real projects only to discover that the intensity levels were generally lower!

To people on the cusp of joining the Academy, I’d say to enjoy every moment and avoid falling into the trap of comparing yourself to others. The early part of a career in software development is rife with ups and downs, but if it’s the career you really want, you will get through it and enjoy it along the way.

The early part of a career in software development is rife with ups and downs, but if it’s the career you really want, you will get through it and enjoy it along the way.

If you’d like to learn more about the BJSS Academy, please click here.