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BJSS is now part of CGI, one of the largest IT and business consulting services firms in the world.

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BJSS is now part of CGI.
BJSS is now part of CGI.

Frequently asked questions about the BJSS Academy

Do I have to apply for a job at the end of the scheme?
No! You’re an employee from the first day, and you’ll enjoy the same benefits, opportunities, and support as everyone else in BJSS.
How long do I have to stay?
We're not one of those companies who make you stay for two years or pay back your training costs. You're a BJSS employee, the same as everyone else! Obviously we'd love you to stay with us for a long time - it's up to us to provide the right environment for that.
Do I get paid during training?
Of course! You're an employee from your first day. We're investing in you and we want to make sure you invest in yourself too.
Do I have to pay for travel and accommodation during my training?
We'll arrange and pay for accommodation and travel when training is delivered from a location that’s not your home office.
Do I need to bring my own laptop?
No, we’ll provide all the equipment and software tools you need, as you won’t be able to access the BJSS network otherwise.